Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : 10 Best Things About Coming Depression
- Millions empowered to leave dead-end jobs.
We programmers and engineers aren’t so lucky as to find free-standing virtual marble blocks ready for the sculpting. We must first build up the marble block itself until it shows sufficient promise and only then start chipping away to reveal our product’s true form.—Values of n Blog: On programming as both sculpture and stonemasonry
A word to the wise: go enable this option in your Gmail settings.
Less QQ, more pew pew!—the interwebs
A calendar of my open source contributions.
A little barren right now, but we’ll get that sorted soon enough :)
Hip Hop Violin - Paul Dateh and inka one (via pauldateh)
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? - Op-Ed -
What would the world look like if we all made an effort to be good neighbors?
The End of Wall Street's Boom - National Business News -
The best article I’ve read yet on the collapse of the subprime-mortgage-backed financial house of cards. If you read just one article about the problems with our financial system, spend 20 minutes on this one.
Official Gmail Blog: Say hello to Gmail voice and video chat
FriendDA -- Slightly more than a hearty handshake
A non-binding NDA based on the mutual understanding that you are my friend and that you will not screw me.
Rands is a genius.