San Francisco Panorama – taken during my recent road trip down the West Coast.
Rumor of a Skype iPhone App...
Here’s hoping! Now if Apple would release that background notification API, that’d be pretty cool, too… [via Gadget Review, PowerPage]
Happy 1234567890!
nick@ariga:~ /bin/date -r 1234567890
Fri Feb 13 15:31:30 PST 2009
50 Essential Strategies For Creating A Successful Web 2.0 Product
The article is off to a good start with start simple, create a prototype and get people using it ASAP, release early and often.
The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.—C. S. Lewis
If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.—Reid Hoffman, quoted in Why Being Embarrassed Is Critical to The Success of Your Startup
One year in two minutes (via eirikso)
Again, xkcd is right on the money with 11th Grade.
It’s not lupus, but I am addicted to House these days.
Complaint #323
“Talk quickly…you have NO IDEA how cold my iPhone gets in this weather.”
-Whine by Pete
Yesterday I woke up to moisture condensation on my iPhone. Guess it’s time to start sleeping with the heater on. Also, is awesome.