How to Write With Style
by Kurt Vonnegut
Friday Afternoon At Global Bean
Doug, BrowsingGeolocate this postPosted with LifeCast
Ira Glass on Storytelling
If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all efforts of worth and excellence are difficult.—Oswald Chambers
miximal input/output remix (via Vimeo)
6 Essential Items To Pack If You Want To Meet The Locals
Note to Boss: Stop Asking For Comps [Church Marketing Sucks]
When you support the bad habit that creatives have about providing multiple comps, you’re training them to doubt their expertise. You’re also presuming on them that you actually know better than they do about what works.
When you support the bad habit that creatives have about providing multiple comps, you’re training them to doubt their expertise. You’re also presuming on them that you actually know better than they do about what works.