“Sexism and the Ruby Community” at #SDRuby. An absurd amount of defensiveness from men in the room.

Browsing old-school year-2000 web stuff, like blather.newdream.net, k10k, and Brad: The Game. Oops, so that’s where that hour went…

Mosqueda BMX park to open July 3rd – good news for the Fresno BMX community! Some nice photos and high praise here: http://bit.ly/12Xlpq

#MotivationMonday Give yourself permission to spend some time reviewing your commitments and making plans for the week.

Keeping your Downloads folder clean

A productivity tip for OS X: Keep your Trash and Downloads folder clean with the following script. Anything in Downloads older than seven days gets moved to the trash, while everything older than 30 days in the trash gets permanently deleted.

find $HOME/Downloads -maxdepth 1 -atime +7 -exec mv '{}' $HOME/.Trash \;
find $HOME/.Trash -maxdepth 1 -atime +30 -exec rm -rf '{}' \;
I saved the above in a shell script at ~/.bin/cleanup.sh and use Lingon to run it every ten minutes.

Not the Great Depression 2.0 «  Donald Marron (via Greg Mankiw)

“The vendor-client relationship in real world situations.” Hilarious!