Giz Explains: How to Actually Make Coffee

A decent breakdown, starting with the beans and the roast. Money quote:

There’s no way around this: If you care about coffee, you have to grind the beans right before you make it. As soon as they’re ground, the oils inside the beans are exposed to air, and the thousand different flavor compounds inside start dying. Coffee’s fragile, man.

Unfortunately, doesn’t mention the AeroPress which seems like a pretty serious omission to me. My recommended serious-coffee-drinker starter- (or tucked-away-in-an-office-cupboard-) kit:
  • Freshly-roasted beans of your choice
  • A decent burr grinder
  • AeroPress
  • Good water and an electric kettle

Upgraded to Snow Leopard, now wrestling with various gems and MacPorts. May end up trying again with a clean install…

#songsincode do self.look_at($world) && self.notice!($world.turning) while (self.guitar.gently_weeps?)

The underwater dance of David and Goliath: Diver perches on the fin of friendly 50ft humpback whale | Mail Online

A little shaky leaving @cfsd today. 150 wall balls in just under 18 minutes. Wondering if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow…

Week two at @CFSD continues to humble. Today: seven sets of 1x push press at max. (Mine? 98lbs.) Lovin’ the friendly & motivating community.